Yamato is a character from the popular anime and manga series, One Piece. He is the son of Kaidou, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. Yamato was born as Kaidou’s daughter and was groomed from a young age to be his heir. However, he developed a profound admiration for the legendary samurai Kozuki Oden and decided to become like him, impersonating him and adopting his mannerisms. As a result of this desire to emulate Oden, Yamato decided to become a man and identify as Kaidou’s son, which is why his father and Beasts Pirates refer to him as such as well 1. This path has put Yamato at odds with Kaidou, with much of his life being spent imprisoned on Onigashima.
Yamato is a major ally of the Straw Hats during the Wano Country Arc 1. He befriended Portgas D. Ace during his visit to Wano Country, and after learning of Ace’s death waited for the arrival of his sworn brother, Monkey D. Luffy. Initially desiring to join Luffy’s crew, Yamato ultimately decided to remain behind in Wano to help protect it from outside forces, though he still intends to join them in the future .
Yamato is taller than an average human, standing at 263 cm (8’8") 1. He has long, white hair that is bound between orange rods into a ponytail at the back, which fades into aqua green and then blue the further down it goes, and ends in rectangular locks similar to Kaidou. Being assigned female at birth and not usually choosing to explicitly present as male, Yamato has typically been referred to as a woman by people when they first encounter him .
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